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Project Summary

Project Name
Drop the incontience products and pick up Femvaults
Compensation for this project
Longer than 60 seconds
Physical product

The Brief


A video AD desmontrating how to use a pelvic floor exerciser and highlighting the point of how expensive it is to use incontinence pads and diapers as an alternative.

Note: Product needs to be returned when video is complete

# Variations
Additional Variations
Ad specs
Product / Service you'll be talking about

It is a Pelvic Floor exerciser which is a fitness device used to streghen your Pelvic Floor muscles by putting the device in between your inner thighs and squeezing them together with your bottom. You can find the link to the website here to read more about it here --> 

Main Concept
Script/Description of Scenes

Please follow the link on this doc for the scrpit and visuals for the UGC video ---> 

I wasted £1,203.03 on incontinence products in 1 year and where did it get me ?

[Burning a bunch of £50 notes (prop money which I will be sending alongside with product)]

Out of pocket & persisting bladder leaks. In fact it feels like my bladder leaks have actually gotten worse over time.

[Emptying pockets then sneezing and holding crotch area as you have accidently leaked]

(Skip to 0:15 seconds to see what I mean by sneezing and holding the crotch area)

It was then I realized I had to do something about it to avoid a life of misery. So after doing some research I found that the root cause of my incontinence was a weak Pelvic floor.

[Sitting down on laptop doing some research]

So I started to do some kegels for 5 mins daily to strengthen my Pelvic floor in hopes that my leaks would improve. 

[Doing kegel exercises on back]

( skip to 1:07 to see what I mean by doing kegels on your back

And it felt like it did improve for a while but then it went downhill again despite me continuing to do them. 

[Going about your day to day life then all of a sudden sneezing or coughing then hold your crotch then look frustrated]

I then did some more research and found that 1 in 2 women who do kegels do them incorrectly and doing them incorrectly can cause further damage.

[Sitting down on laptop doing some more research]

I was one of those women as I could not feel my Pelvic floor muscles contracting properly when I tried to squeeze them alone.

[Doing kegels. Gray screen]

This left me feeling helpless as my doctor suggested a surgery and to carry on using expensive incontinence products.

[Looking sad and depressed sitting on couch with hands on heads]

One day I stumbled across this strange looking device.

[Showing off Femvaults]

It is a Pelvic floor exerciser called Femvaults which acts as weights for your Pelvic floor muscles.

[Demonstrating Femvaults]

It claimed to be able to help strengthen my Pelvic floor within 3 weeks after daily use and put a stop to bladder leaks.

[Demonstrating Femvaults]

I was skeptical at first as I was thinking how a reasonably priced device would replace a major surgery.

[Looking skeptical]

But I thought I had nothing to lose as there was a money back guarantee and everything to gain so I got it…. & I’m so glad I did!

[Demonstrating Femvaults]

After just 2 weeks of using Femvaults I noticed I had less and less accidents. I felt on top of the world again as I saw a glimmer of hope so I carried on using it.

[Demonstrating Femvaults]

After a month of using it my pads were always dry and I was pretty much free of leaks and avoided surgery!

[Demonstrating Femvaults]

So I highly recommend any woman in need who suffers from leaks and cannot do kegels alone to try out Femvaults

[Demonstrating Femvaults]

Last time I checked on their website they were running low on stock so I would check their website by clicking the link below and seeing if they have stock. If they do I would act fast!

[Scrolling on website on your laptop (]

Remember, incontinence only gets worse over time if left untreated so if I was you, I would invest in a leak free life today!

[Showing of Femvaults]

Additional information


  • Please film in natural bright light
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without!
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use back camera and edit via CapCut or similar.

Variations Needed
Additional hooks, CTAs or other key messaging needed
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
About the client
Social Media

We sell pelvic floor exercisers.

We will need the product returned.

Brand Guidelines
Tone of voice

Casual/ Professional as I want UGC ads based of a actor physio explaining the anatomy of a Pelvic floor as well as demonstrating how to use the product she "invented"

Competitors/similar brands
Details on brand
Social Media
Brand Guidelines
How content submissions work
Upon submission, we'll review your assets in 1-2 business days. If it fits the brief, we'll forward them to the brand. If revisions are needed, we'll provide feedback. The brand has 7 days to approve or request changes. After approval or automatic completion in 7 days, payment is sent to Lumanu and issued within 10-14 days of approval or completion.

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When you have new content ready, please upload it here. Please make sure to follow the brief and upload all necessary files.
The raw edit without text and music overlays
The final (edited) file version
All required formats

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