Edit address

Your address*
Your sizes
This is in case your work with fashion brands.

Edit your bio & portfolio

Edit your bio*
Links to your social channels
Edit your profile picture*
Your age range*
Do you have a niche or preference in industries? (optional)
Edit your intro video*
This can be a natural 15-30 sec video where you introduce yourself so brands get to know you better.
Edit or add your 2 main portfolio videos to your profile!
This can be videos (unboxing videos, testimonials, product demos or trend-led videos) that you created in the past. The better your videos, the stronger your profile!
You asked, we listened: Boost your chance of securing jobs by adding more UGC examples! Head to your profile and add more to your personal Twirl Google Drive →
Edit or add images to your portfolio! (optional)
Though you'd focus on creating video content for brands, it's always nice to let brands see your image style and overall aesthetic.
We partner with Lumanu™ to make your payouts a breeze.

To make changes to your bank details, go to your Lumanu account.
Go to lumanu