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Project Summary

Project Name
BrocElite by MARALABS (USP # 1: Cellular Health)
Compensation for this project
15-30 seconds
Physical product

The Brief


We’d like to copy this video:  - frame for frame and change out the voiceover and text on screen for another supplement. Ideally, we’d like macro zoom ins on the supplement and bottle during golden hour, and clips of our website featured in the video. The voiceover and text on screen will explain the benefits of BrocElite® Plus and sulforaphane.


TIP: Share your interest in cellular health or if you resonate with worrying  about the long term risk of PFAS, microplastics, and rising rates of chronic and neurodegenerative diseases

# Variations
Additional Variations
Ad specs
Product / Service you'll be talking about

Link to product: BrocElite® Plus 30 capsules:   

BrocElite®, the only naturally derived supplement on the market containing Stabilized Sulforaphane—the water soluble, bioactive molecule with thousands of studies supporting its benefits. It also helps: (1) detox the liver; (2) combat inflammation; and (3) brain function. 

BrocElite vs Other Broccoli Supplements: 

  • Has sulforaphane in the capsule
  • Has NO glucoraphanin in the capsule
  • Induces Nrf2 (you feel the difference)
  • No fillers
  • Certified glyphosate residue free
  • Each batch 3rd party tested for SFN content

Unfortunately, receiving the health benefits from sulforaphane isn’t as simple as eating a bunch of broccoli or sprouts. You would have to eat around 5 lbs of mature broccoli in order to receive the same benefit as one serving of BrocElite. This would get old really fast (trust us—our founder, David, has done it!). Even worse, because of how food is grown and handled, you can't be sure that the broccoli you're eating contains adequate levels of glucoraphanin, the precursor to sulforaphane.

Our supplement, BrocElite, has stabilized sulforaphane right in the capsule. In fact, it’s the only naturally derived stabilized sulforaphane product on the market—no other broccoli supplement has it.

Other broccoli supplements may say they have sulforaphane, but they really have the precursor (sometimes confusingly marketed as “sulforaphane glucosinolate”). And despite flashy marketing, broccoli supplements with glucoraphanin most likely won't help you.

Main Concept
Script/Description of Scenes

This UGC video aims to present a factual/scientific type of content that starts with a high-impact question: “How can I best support healing for good cellular health?”  

The answer: BrocElite® Plus because BrocElite® Plus is the only naturally derived stabilized sulforaphane supplement on the market—no other broccoli supplement has it.

In 15 to 30 seconds, the video will explain in a factual manner why the stabilized sulforaphane in BrocElite® Plus has amazing benefits such as blocking inflammation, supporting brain health, promoting antioxidant production, detox, improving sleep, and more.

For the complete creative brief, please go to this link: 

Frame 1:  You are sitting in your car / kitchen / outdoors - make sure there’s good, bright lighting and you are wearing a solid colored shirt. Camera opens with a body shot / top half body shot of yourself - speaking as a millennial concerned about mid-life health and wellness.

On screen text: Call out text bubble: Worried about the long term risk of PFAS, microplastics, and rising rates of chronic and neurodegenerative diseases?

Voiceover: “There's a growing recognition that supporting cellular health is pivotal in the fight against inflammation, a cornerstone of preventive care.”

Frame 2: Hand or fingers pointing to head, showing that you are bothered with a pressing question regarding mid-life health and wellness.

Voiceover: “How can I best support my body's healing and maintain optimal cellular health?”

Frames 3-4: Transition to showing close up of pill between thumb and index finger, with supplement bottle in the background. Zoom in to a single pill. Please shoot during golden hour so there is good, warm lighting.

On screen text:

  • Detoxes the liver
  • Combats inflammation
  • Boosts brain function
  • Promotes antioxidant production
  • Improves sleep
  • Increases energy

Voiceover: My search led me to BrocElite® Plus. The Sulforaphane in BrocElite® Plus offers numerous benefits for cellular health, including anti-inflammatory properties, support for brain health, enhanced antioxidant production, detoxification, improved sleep, and more.

Frames 5-7: Open the bottle and shake the bottle to show the supplement pills rattling around in the bottle. 

Voiceover: Extensive research in medical journals have identified Sulforaphane as a key compound in everyday broccoli but you would need to eat up to 5 pounds of raw broccoli to experience the same benefits!

BrocElite® Plus by Mara Labs is the only one on the market with Stabilized Sulforaphane, a water-soluble, bioactive molecule supported by extensive research and 3rd party testing.

We believe in making science-based products so you can trust that what you see is what you get. 

On screen text: 

  • Vegan
  • Locally Sourced
  • Non-GMO
  • Gluten Free
  • No Contaminants
  • No Heavy Metals
  • No Allergens
  • No Fillers
  • 3rd Party Tested
  • Certificate of Analysis

Post production: Add broccoli emojis sprinkled one by one like confetti across 3-4 seconds

Frame 8: Zoom to screen on laptop, you are shopping for BrocElite® on (link to 30 capsules here: Please scroll through webpage and hover over key benefits like below:

On screen text: Learn more on

Voiceover:“Learn more on”

Post production: Add disclaimer at the bottom of frame: “Disclaimer: These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”

Additional information

Post Production On Screen Text:

Font: same font as font in Ritual inspiration video (Instagram Story “Classic” black and white font +“Simple” all caps font in color: pastel background + white text)

Resources or Props Needed

Bottle of BrocElite® Plus

Laptop / Desktop

General Do’s and Don'ts 


✅Outfit: Please wear smart casual sweater, lounge clothes/athleisure, jacket, jeans, sundress (NO plain house clothes like oversized t-shirt, plain leggings, pajamas, sweats.)

✅ Film with bright natural daylight 


❌ Show logos or brand names 

❌ Show excessive clutter or anything overly distracting 

❌ Use copyrighted material or music 

Submission of Content

Variations Needed
Additional hooks, CTAs or other key messaging needed
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
About the client
Social Media
Marketing agency

MavenReach is a female-owned, female-run, full-service influencer marketing agency

Brand Guidelines
Tone of voice

This would depend on the our client's brand profile.

Competitors/similar brands
Details on brand
Social Media
Website: About Us: Mara Labs was founded by three researchers and physicians from Johns Hopkins and the Medical University of South Carolina. They were determined to find a supplement that could deliver stable sulforaphane and activate the NRF2 pathway. After testing numerous supplements claiming these benefits, they found none lived up to the claims, prompting them to develop their own solution. What is sulforaphane? It is the good molecule that comes from broccoli, and its amazing benefits are why people grow and eat broccoli sprouts. Sulforaphane was discovered in 1992 at Johns Hopkins and since then there have been over 2,000 research papers written about its many benefits, such as blocking inflammation, supporting brain health, promoting antioxidant production, detox, improving sleep, and more. Note: We cannot make any claims about “cures'' and we cannot mention disease states. Ex. We can mention blood sugar but not diabetes. We can mention inflammation but not cancer.
Brand Guidelines
General Do’s and Don'ts Do ✅Outfit: Please wear smart casual sweater, lounge clothes/athleisure, jacket, jeans, sundress (NO plain house clothes like oversized t-shirt, plain leggings, pajamas, sweats.) ✅ Film with bright natural daylight Don’t ❌ Show logos or brand names ❌ Show excessive clutter or anything overly distracting ❌ Use copyrighted material or music
How content submissions work
Upon submission, we'll review your assets in 1-2 business days. If it fits the brief, we'll forward them to the brand. If revisions are needed, we'll provide feedback. The brand has 7 days to approve or request changes. After approval or automatic completion in 7 days, payment is sent to Lumanu and issued within 10-14 days of approval or completion.

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July 23, 2024
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Submitted on:
July 23, 2024
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