We're looking for an Eco Conscious creator to create videos that will be used across our paid socials to help drive awareness and sales. https://reborn.homes/ is an awesome new brand that turns waste into stylish and Eco friendly household products and is making waves in major retailers across the country. The brief is as follows:
We want the video like this - https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Gm8P8X4Db7bazKrT60WkF6JXcD0GDFHT/view?usp=drive_link
with the following story line https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/1vBhJZamWUF8gYHwtuwaCQmILcjxko7aL/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=116523833160809813271&rtpof=true&sd=true but we'd be happy for you to be creative and authentic with the wording.
The video should have 8 scenes in total so shot in different locations like the inspo video and around 30 - 40 seconds long.
We're looking for a female aged 25 - 40 for this campaign.
Please see the website for the products and we will send you up to 3 products to promote.
This should be shot in a kitchen and you should select from these 3 items and let us know the colours that will suit your kitchen and then we will ship the items:
Let us know how and why you resonate with our brand.
we'd be happy for you to be creative and authentic with the wording!
Hook 1: In my quest to make our home greener. My little helper and I are on a mission to find household items that are good for the planet
2nd slide shows scenes and script suggestions
The video should have 8 scenes in total so shot in different locations like the inspo video and around 30 - 40 seconds long.
We want an Eco conscious creator for this project, someone who resonates with the brand
We turn waste into stylish homewares.
Most homewares are currently made from virgin materials in the Far East, and ultimately end up in landfill. Reborn uses recycled materials to make products locally and are also circular by design, so that they can be recycled or repaired at end of life.