We'd like a product demo for Sydecar's about "I set up my first SPV in just 20 minutes"
We want to create a UGC-style product tour for the SPV product. In the video, a content creator will talk through the product benefits, and show the product on screen.
We believe that UGC-style product tours are a good way to showcase the product and the problems it solves, due to their personable and social-first style. It’s a concept that’s worked well for other SaaS clients.
We’ll produce a UGC-style product tour for the SPV product. In the video, a content creator will talk through the product benefits, and show the product on screen.
Weld: https://www.facebook.com/ads/library/?id=6986491548145169
Design Requirements:
I set up my first SPV in just 20 minutes
I used to spend hours drowning in spreadsheets trying to manage our SPVs.
But with Sydecar, I set up my first SPV in just 20 minutes.
All I had to do is create a deal, enter the SPV terms, add the term sheet and invite investors.
(we'd like the video to show a shortened version of the process (i.e. not all screens that you naturally have to go through in the product - just create a new deal, add company info, add investor, and confirm and close investment).)
The boring stuff - banking, compliance, contracts, and reporting - is all handled through Sydecar.
I’ve saved so much time not having to go back and forth with accountants and lawyers.
Now I can focus on networking and making deals.
Simplify your back-office operations today.
Go to sydecar.io or click the link below.
Anyone who looks like they could work in the venture capital world
Client Obsession
It starts with you the client, and we work back from there. This is core to everything else we do. That means the relentless pursuit of opportunity for your business, and a deep understanding of both your business, and your customers.
Bias for action
We have always been doers. It's intrinsic to our entrepreneurial characteristics. We won't ever sit on an idea until our next catchup, we'll bring it to you when we have it. If 80% of life is showing up, we'll be first to the starting line.
Clear Communication
We hate jargon and unclear comms. Verbosity is the enemy of action. We will be clear when we talk to you. It is also the very best way to speak to customers too.
Great marketing is about curiosity. Why does something work? What others ways could it work? We'll be contrarian when we need to because often the best ideas are counter-intuive, and start with curiosity.
Makers and Hackers
We hate bottlenecks. When we were early employees in startups we knew everyone had to get stuck in. That might mean hacking some thing together in Zapier if it means getting it done today rather than next month.