We'd like a female creator to showcase their journey with Voy, our new weight loss brand, where the video highlights out USPs. We're looking for a women in her 30s, UK-based. Authentic and honest in front of a camera and doesn't go over the top trying to sell you something.
(the inspo link is for hair loss so it's just to represent the feel of the video we're looking for rather than the topic)
Hook -
1 - You will not guess how much weight I’ve lost this year.
I started using Voy, they combine the new breakthrough weight loss treatment that everyone's talking about, with your own dedicated health team.
Think coaches, nutritionists and clinicians who are there to support you along the way.
My coach Maria has been really supportive, I shared some personal issues I was having with food and we are actively working on it now.
I've tried a lot of other weight loss programmes and just haven't seen the same results or this level of support.
All in all, I've lost a lot of weight, I feel much more energetic and more confident in myself.
and I couldn't recommend Voy enough.
If you're on the fence about trying it, my advice is just go for it. Embrace the journey.
VISUALS, please refer to the inspo link and 'Additional Information' section below. (the inspo link is for hair loss so it's just to represent the feel of the video we're looking for rather than the topic)
For captions, please we'd use rounded rectangles across all vids for the headline text style for Voy if it can be an orange/sunset theme like the site page please.
Hook 2: If you're trying to lose weight, but struggling to see the results, then listen up ...
We’re challenging the outdated notion that real men shrug their shoulders and carry on.
By empowering men with all the information and choices they need to proactively own their wellbeing, we can turn a corner.
We’re here to be your own personal manual. A guide to owning your health and happiness. Giving you all the tools you need to be good to you.
These are the principle that we follow for content creation
we look at hims (UK and UK) and keeps (US based) for hair loss mainly