We'd like a personal story style video where female creators explain how their male partner encountering erection issues impacting them and their couple, and then how using the Mojo app helped them get their confidence back.
Mojo is a sexual wellbeing app that helps men overcome psychological erection issues. Mojo gives them access to the same information and exercises a sex therapist would give a guy with erection issues, for a fraction of the cost and from the comfort of their own home. Here’s how:
Help control stress response = The theory boils down to this: if the brain can relax, the body can get an erection. From exposure techniques to learning how to control negative thoughts, Mojo has everything men need to get their brain back on their side.
Get in touch with good sexual cues = We’ll make sure you tap into your sexual potential so there are no more wasted opportunities. Our expert-crafted courses will help you boost your libido, upgrade your intimacy, and stop depending on old masturbation habits.
Put it into practice in the bedroom = You'll translate your new sexual confidence into the bedroom with arousal exercises, sex skills, and communication techniques. Whether you have a steady partner or you’re still dating, we’ll help you perform with confidence.
Hook: My man has been struggling with erection issues for years until we found this app (please show the home screen of the app while delivering this hook).
Explaining the problem: In this part you should start by explaining how it can affect a woman when her partner encounters erection issues. You can use some of the following points for inspiration and make them your own:
Introducing the solution: In this part you need to mention the Mojo app as the solution that helped reignite your sex life. You can use some of the following points for inspiration and make them your own:
CTA: “If you are afraid of hurting your partner because of your erection issues, you need to try the Mojo app today.”
Mojo is a sexual wellbeing app that helps men overcome psychological erection issues.
Password: keepitup
The Mojo story:
Mojo began back in 2019 as a vulnerable conversation between 2 cousins.
On a long car journey, Angus admitted to Xander that he was struggling to get it up. His world was crumbling. He felt broken.
Fortunately, he'd found the right guy to confide in. Xander shared that he'd been struggling with his erections throughout his 20s.
50% of Millenials and Gen Z struggle with psychological issues. So you'd think there would be plenty of support out there. But men's sexual problems were (and still are) surrounded by shame and a hell of a lot of misinformation.
There was no affordable, accessible, and reliable solution for psychological erection issues. So it’s no suprise that 75% of men with erectile dysfunction (ED) don't seek any help for it.
Angus and Xander wanted to change this. They
co-founded Mojo and set out on their mission to elevate the world's sexual wellbeing. Their first port of call? Helping men aged 18-40 overcome psychological erection issues for good.
Talking about Mojo:
Today, Mojo is a sexual wellbeing app. It has over 100,000 members in 115 countries.
The app contains a digital program of learning courses and sex therapy exercises.
We created the program with our psychosexual experts. It addresses ED’s biological, social, and psychological factors.
We’re the next evolution of wellbeing:
Wellbeing and the way the world thinks about it has evolved in waves.
Consider how much physical wellbeing has changed in the last 5 decades. In 1970, 127 people ran in the first New York marathon. By 1999, it became the 30,000-people event we know today.
As fitness crept into the cultural consciousness, we saw quick fixes. Diet pills. Fad diets. Gimmicky fitness equipment. It took time, but customers and brands figured out that physical wellbeing was about behavioral change. And we now have the Nikes, Pelotons, and Stravas of the world.
Hold that thought, and think about the last 2 decades and the rise of mental wellbeing. People are now realizing that positive mental wellbeing needs an ongoing investment. But at first, the market was swamped with medications and lazy shortcuts before the Headspaces and Calms of the world took root.
So have we reached peak wellbeing enlightenment? By no means.
The way we connect on our most intimate level is in crisis. Half of all young people struggle with psychological sexual issues at some point. And the leading solutions are all quick fixes. Viagra. Numbing wipes. Pumps. These are barely solutions. They’re crutches that hide the real psychological problems beneath. But these quick fixes have set the stage for what’s about to come next.
Sexual wellbeing will define the wellbeing space over the next 2 decades. And Mojo is going to be right at the front. We exist to tell the world something it should already know. Invest little and often in sexual wellbeing, and you'll create intimate connections and lead healthy relationships as your authentic self.
Brand principles:
Our personas are based on data from user interviews, our onboarding flow, and engagement analytics. Overall data shows that our user base is split as follows:
In relation to their current relationship status:
Our user population identify themselves as:
We tend to take inspiration from companies such as Headspace, Habito, Tony's, Patagonia, and Boys get sad too.
Please see the brand guidelines for more examples of inspiration: https://www.figma.com/proto/GBL3CNWXPyXjKerwmYz4Y6/Brand-Guidelines?page-id=1%3A5871&type=design&node-id=866-6862&viewport=-715%2C4663%2C0.23&t=gTXuDP6nmFYtMNkp-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=866%3A6862&mode=design
Password: keepitup
We don’t squirm when talking about erection issues or things that men are commonly ashamed of. We do this all so confidently that it stops people in their tracks. We feel like a new stronger type of masculinity, and men aspire to be part of our community.
We feel new, innovative, modern, consumer-facing, and like a tech product. Because we are.
When you experience Mojo, it should feel like you are talking to your friend, who is an off-duty doctor at a party. We’re logical and relatable. No smoke and mirrors. No snake oil. We go out of our way to be trustworthy. We are transparent with our approach and limitations. Our product is not trying to turn you into a Casanova or off-duty porn star.
Here are some general ToV principles:
There are more details on tone of voice in our brand guidelines doc: https://www.figma.com/proto/GBL3CNWXPyXjKerwmYz4Y6/Brand-Guidelines?page-id=1%3A5871&type=design&node-id=866-6862&viewport=-715%2C4663%2C0.23&t=gTXuDP6nmFYtMNkp-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=866%3A6862&mode=design
Password: keepitup
We tend to take inspiration from companies such as Headspace, Habito, Tony's, Patagonia, and Boys get sad too.
Please see the brand guidelines for more examples of inspiration: https://www.figma.com/proto/GBL3CNWXPyXjKerwmYz4Y6/Brand-Guidelines?page-id=1%3A5871&type=design&node-id=866-6862&viewport=-715%2C4663%2C0.23&t=gTXuDP6nmFYtMNkp-1&scaling=min-zoom&starting-point-node-id=866%3A6862&mode=design
Password: keepitup