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Project Summary

Project Name
How Glucose monitoring changed my life// educating users about the benefits of continuous glucose monitoring
Compensation for this project
30-60 seconds
Physical product

The Brief


Continuous glucose monitoring has changed my whole wellbeing – just within a few weeks! Knowing how food impacts my body I am empowered to eat and feel better overall. My POCS symptoms are nearly gone, my inflammation values drastically decreased, my energy levels increased and my cravings under control! 

With LUCY I measured my blood glucose and tracked my meals over a 2-weeks period before checking-in with a nutritional coach who helped me interpret my data and empowered me to take better choices in the future. Knowing where to tweak and adjust my habits made a terrific impact for me!

# Variations
Additional Variations
Ad specs
Product / Service you'll be talking about

Continuous glucose monitoring: read more about it here: 

Main Concept
Script/Description of Scenes

Create a script that is natural and authentic to you! The following is a guide and all the info about the product / benefits, but you're encouraged to take what resonates with you to make it engaging and authentic! Any questions, please don't hesitate to get in touch. 

Please share a draft of your script/storyboard for review ahead of filming

Hooks: (options)

  • “How Continuous Glucose Monitoring has changed my life”
  • “Were you aware of the numerous benefits that Continuous Glucose Monitoring has – even for non-diabetics?”
  • “3 things/benefits about glucose monitoring most people don’t know ”

Script/scenes: (make it natural to you!)

Continuous glucose monitoring has changed my whole wellbeing – just within a few weeks! Knowing how food impacts my body I am empowered to eat and feel better overall. My POCS symptoms are nearly gone, my inflammation values drastically decreased, my energy levels increased and my cravings under control! 

Monitoring my glucose levels over 14 days allowed me to understand what actually happens inside my body and how to act accordingly. I finally feel in control, energized, and healthier than ever.


Benefits of continuous glucose monitoring: (make natural to you, change 'your' into 'my' to make more authentic if suits you)

  • The monitoring helps to become aware of your own blood glucose levels (especially non-diabetics are mostly not aware of them at all). In order to optimize them, large “spikes” (increases and rapid decreases) should be avoided. Tracking helps to understand what triggers spikes and whether coping mechanisms really show a (successful) effect.
  • benefits of stabilized blood sugar levels include consistent energy levels, improved athletic performance, weight management, reduced cravings, stable mood and cognitive function, decreased inflammation, lowered risk of Type 2 Diabetes, and enhanced sleep quality, prevent Alzheimer disease, and many more!

How it works:

  • Apply Sensor on your upper arm (completely painless, a thin 5mm-long filament is applied under your skin, taking readings from your tissue fluid. It does not reach your blood stream which is why the application is completely harmless.
  • Activate the sensor and start tracking your meals
  • The LUCY app showed my glucose data in real time (Mockup will be provided/attached) 
  • My LUCY coach helped me interpreting the data and gave me tailor-made advice based on my data set on how to improve my glucose levels
  • Give an example: a game changer for me was starting off a meal with something that contains a lot of fiber such as veggies, just by changing the order of the food I eat, I saw a huge impact on my glucose spikes!

Product highlights: 

Important remark: this video should mainly focus on continuous glucose monitoring in general and explain the benefits and how it works to the user. It should not be a direct promotion for LUCY. Nevertheless, we will provide a bit of info about LUCY:

LUCY provides you with an app and blood sugar sensor that enables you to track your meals and activities and see how your body reacts to them. This data is provided to your personal LUCY coach that helps you understand this data to reach your health goals. 

CTA (call-to-action): Get yourself a CGM sensor! You will learn to understand how nutrition impacts your glucose levels and eventually your wellbeing. This will enable you to make sustainable changes and choices that help you feel your absolute best!

Additional information

having used a CGM sensor on her own is a great benefit for the creator!


  • Educate your audience about the importance of understanding your blood sugar and continuous glucose monitoring. You can emphasize visually by listing the strongest benefits in a written form/list
  • Speak directly to the user and tell them about your experience with Continuous glucose monitoring and the impact on your health and wellbeing
  • What have you learned while tracking your blood sugar
  • “Did you know that… (eg Blood Sugar spikes can lead to cell damage overtime and type 2 diabetes)
  • Did you know that… (eg Dementia is now being called Type 3 diabetes?)
  • LUCY is not a product – LUCY is a program that helps you understand how food affects your body
  • Use Subtitles 
  • Use graphs and scientific pictures / screenshots of studies to make your point
  • You can also do interview style: talk to the camera like you are on a podcast and talk about your experience and learnings 

Action shots that can be provided by LUCY: taking blood test, looking at the app, applying a sensor

Action shots filmed by you: cooking, eating, exercising

Endorsement shots (Showing the LUCY app with a blood glucose graph)

Don’t be afraid to show your personality and put an original twist on it. 

This will be shown on Facebook and Instagram. 

Stay true to your tone 

  • As long as speech is clear, tone of voice can vary. Keep it engaging 
  • Edit dynamically, make sure the viewer doesn’t get bored. 
  • Be yourself - authenticity sells, pretend you’re speaking to a friend on facetime. 
  • Strong hook - think of something catchy to engage users in first seconds. 
  • Visual - Try incorporating LUCY colours in your video if possible - it can be clothing, background etc, keep the lighting consistent, and not too much distracting movement or clutter in the background. Looking healthy and well rested is important

B-roll Lifestyle Footage (ideas)

  • Opening and shutting fridge, 
  • taking ingredients out, 
  • chopping vegetables and fruits, 
  • sitting cosy on couch and talking to the viewer, 
  • drinking something, working from home
Variations Needed
Additional hooks, CTAs or other key messaging needed
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
About the client
Social Media

LUCY enables you to discover how food impacts your body and wellbeing. Based on your blood results, glucose data and dietary habits our experts help you with weight management, performance, auto immune issues and your overall wellbeing & energy levels. 

HOW does it work? -> please watch video and description on our website

brand is written LUCY

Important disclaimer: we operate in the field of health prevention & wellness. Our users' health is of utmost importance for us. Nevertheless, LUCY neither substitutes a doctor, nor is LUCY responsible for users' behavior. The contents of the LUCY are not meant to supplement, let alone replace, the information provided by doctors or pharmacies. This does not need to be mentioned in videos, but our content should not raise an impression of giving medical diagnosis or advice by doctors. We empower our users on how to make choices that are optimal/healthy for their body and wellbeing.

Brand Guidelines

similar geographic region: HelloInside

Europe: Veri, ZOE

US: Levels, Nutrisense

Tone of voice

our voice style is CLEAR (precise, universally understood vocabulary), INDIVIDUAL (adjust formulations to different needs if necessary), MOTIVATING (spreads enthusiasm and speaks positively), CURIOUS (likes to explore, no lectures but rather thought-provoking questions)

We are approachable, using a professional but casual tone.

Competitors/similar brands

similar geographic region: HelloInside

Europe: Veri, ZOE

US: Levels, Nutrisense

Details on brand
Social Media
Brand Guidelines
How content submissions work
Upon submission, we'll review your assets in 1-2 business days. If it fits the brief, we'll forward them to the brand. If revisions are needed, we'll provide feedback. The brand has 7 days to approve or request changes. After approval or automatic completion in 7 days, payment is sent to Lumanu and issued within 10-14 days of approval or completion.

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