We want to create a video around the idea that people have heard about our brand and deodorant products everywhere and you just couldn't believe it was true until you tried it.
Even though it says 'Unboxing', please film a variety of scenes and include some speaking direct to camera like in the inspo video!
We sell whole body deodorant and body odor solutions at lumedeodorant.co. If hired we will send you free product to use.
Hook: I've sure you've seen Lume deodorant all over Tiktok and like me you can't believe it is THAT good. For the longest time I resisted trying it and just kept using my old deodorant and applying it several time a day.
Script: - It works! 72 hours of odor control, I haven't had to worry about break through odor since I've started to use this.
CTA: Click the link and check out Lume and the starter pack today
We create whole body deodorant for women.
WE are humorous, frank and funny