We'd like a vertical video that showcases explains 3 easy ways to winterize your home.
Leaf Home™ is the leading tech-enabled, Direct-To-Consumer home solutions business, providing branded home solutions. Leaf Home's innovative products enhance the safety, enjoyment, and comfort of homeowners and their families and protect and improve the appearance and value of the home. We offer gutter installation, home water solutions, home safety solutions, and more.
Winter is HERE and you NEED to winterize your home. Here's how...
Close up open spaces with Caulk. Openings to windows and doorways can erode over time. Re-caulking those open areas can help seal in the heat and keep out the cold!
Get a programmable thermometer that automatically adjusts the temperature based on your home. This not only helps you save energy but a ton of time as well.
This next one is HUGE- UNCLOG YOUR GUTTERS! SO many people forget to unclog their gutters throughout the year. When temperatures drop, whatever is stuck in the gutter will freeze into the gutter in ice and add weight to the gutter, which can cause serious foundational damage.
You're gonna wanna be VERY careful if you choose to do this yourself, but if you choose to go the safe route like I did and reach out to LeafFilter for a consultation, you won't regret it.