We'd like a fast cut unboxing style video for paid ads.
The products are as follows: HOLY Energy Starter Pack and 2 x HOLY Energy flavour tubs.
Videos should communicate the benefits of HOLY (education) and highlight the discount we have on the HOLY starter packs. (full scripts provided below)
For more product info check out our slide deck: https://www.canva.com/design/DAF65Uve9VI/672PWyECoE2DL_eGl3-v0Q/edit
HOLY Energy® is your tasty and healthier alternative to conventional energy drinks - without sugar, without taurine and without artificial flavourings. Instead, HOLY Energy® offers you a fruity, intense flavour paired with a long-lasting energy boost thanks to NewCaff® and many other functional ingredients. And with less than 20 calories per serving.
You're encouraged to take creative liberty while sticking to the key points / theme of the script.
Preface: Please go careful when removing trial boxes from the housing in main box as this can be fragile and we’ve had some instances where it has ripped. This doesn’t affect the product in any way just the presentation.
NOTE: To film HOLY Energy starter pack - Please remove Iced Tea and Hydration packs from larger box.
NOTE: For Price angle please prepare a HOLY using the Flavour tubs provided.
Contents of box should include: Shaker, HOLY Energy sample box
Note: Angle is to present cost effectiveness of tubs with a CTA to starter pack to find favourite flavour.
A healthier energy drink at only 0.80p per portion??
Slam flavour tubs on the table (0.80p per portion)
(preparing a HOLY from the tub - presenting multiple flavours)
Treat yourself to healthy Energy with a clear conscience!
HOLY contains no sugar, no artificial flavourings and less than 20 calories per serving.
And best of all, it tastes super fruity and delicious. (pop up reviews around the screen https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/15nMptvtvDm5QEqkwjbZ8zXH-62dxPnAo )
With HOLYs risk-free trial you can test all the flavours, no strings attached.
Love it or your money back!
To find your favourite flavour grab a Starter Pack NOW (show HOLY Energy starter pack on screen)
Use code HOLY to save £5 on your order!
We'd like a box with "use code: HOLY for £5 off your first order!"
Example below:
Additional specs:
We're here to revolutionise the soft drink industry!
HOLY contains zero sugar & less than 20 Kcal per serving. 100% natural fruit flavours and colours - without any questionable ingredients like taurine! We've also thrown in a bunch of vitamins and nootropics to improve concentration and performance
Sneak are our main competitors in the UK
Casual, funny, high energy
Sneak are our main competitors in the UK