Stop wasting money on expensive perfumes/aftershaves. Looking for a creator that can relate to this pain point and bring it to life!
Designer inspired perfume and aftershaves.
You're encouraged to use your creativity to make the script more natural and authentic to your own tone of voice, but ensure the key USPs are hit.
Hook: Do yourself a favour and stop wasting money on expensive perfumes (female creator) / aftershaves (male creator).
In the past I have spent 100s of pounds every year on designer scents until I discovered rebel aromas.
They smell identical to the designer scents, they last all day and they are a fraction of the price, it's a no brainer!
CTA: Check them out now at
For visual reference, refer to the inspo video! Should be speaking direct to camera and showing the website via green screen. As you will be receiving the product please show closeups or hold it up to camera at some point while talking. Please make it engaging and upbeat!