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Project Summary

Project Name
What do children think about moving house? (2.0)
Compensation for this project
Longer than 60 seconds
Physical product

The Brief


We want to hear your children’s thoughts and feelings about the topic of moving house. For this brief, we would like you to capture light hearted and funny content of your 4-7 year olds talking to camera answering some fun questions (provided below) about moving house or, if they haven’t experienced moving house, what they think about the idea of moving. 

We will need raw footage only. Responses will be collated into a compilation of responses from different children to create humorous social content to ease parents’ minds about moving house with children, so the more funny soundbites you can capture from your child, the better - no matter how crazy the answers!

TIP: Let us know if you have a son or daughter and what their ages are!

# Variations
Additional Variations
Ad specs
Product / Service you'll be talking about

Zoopla is the UK's most comprehensive property destination, helping people make better property choices around moving, managing and financing their home. However, for this content, we do not require mention of the brand. Rather, we want to hear your children’s thoughts on the topic generally of moving house.

Main Concept
Script/Description of Scenes

This content should feel funny and sweet. The kids’ answers should make you chuckle and show the joyful naivety of childhood, but also reinforce that if anyone is anxious about moving house, it’ll probably be the parents, not the kids.

We’d like you to share around 60 seconds worth of clips of your 4-7 year old answering the questions provided below about moving house. We want to hear their genuine answers, rather than rehearsed lines. Please do not include any filters or text overlays in your submitted content, as clips will be edited into a wider video.


Please just have your child on camera, and ask the questions from behind the camera, but ensure that your voice does not overlap with your child’s. 

Please follow the following guidelines while filming your child. It’s important all footage follows these guidelines for consistency in the final brand content. The child should be:

-Sat in a well-lit space (ideally with natural daylight)

-With the camera placed at your child’s eye level and the child sat about 2 ft back from the camera

-The shot should include the child’s shoulders/torso and head (for this brief footage should be shot in 9:16 format - i.e. vertical)

-The child should be looking at the camera when they are giving their answers.

Ideally, we would like the child to be sat in their bedroom or in a playroom setting, or any other space that clearly looks like a space in the home your child spends time in. Please ensure that your child is not wearing a school uniform, or that there is anything in the background that would specifically identify your child e.g certificates with full name etc.

When asking your child the questions, please encourage them to keep their answers short and punchy, as they will be cut into soundbites to be edited into a final video. Please also encourage them where possible to include the question in their answers e.g “My favourite place in my new house is the garden” rather than “the garden”


Questions to ask children

Before you start the Q&A, please ask your child to share their name and age e.g. “I’m Alice and I’m four years old”

Then please ask your child the following questions. Please note that the answers suggested below are just to give a general indication of how answers should be structured, rather than lines we would like your child to repeat - we want to hear your child’s genuine answers!

Question 1:

Imagine you’re moving house - what would be the coolest / best thing a new house could have in or around it?

Possible answers: “a room filled with dogs”, “a trampoline in the kitchen”, “a pink front door”

Question 2:

Complete this sentence: “The most exciting thing about moving house is…”

Possible answers: “The most exciting thing about moving house is having a big party”

“The most exciting thing about moving house is getting a really big bedroom”

“The most exciting thing about moving house is lots of cardboard boxes”

Question 3:

How much do you think a really nice house costs?

Possible answers: “A really nice house costs twelve pounds” “A really nice house costs a million pounds”

Question 4:

If somebody was scared / nervous of moving home, what would you tell them?

Possible answers: “Don’t be scared because moving house is really exciting”

Question 5: 

(for children who haven’t moved) How would you feel about the idea of moving house? / (or for children who have moved) How did you feel when you heard you were moving house?

Possible answers: “I would feel sad about leaving my old house” “I would be excited about having a bigger bedroom than my brother”

Question 6 (for children who have moved house):

After you had moved into your new house, how did you feel?

Possible answers: “Once I moved into my new house I felt really excited to pick the colour of my new bedroom”

Additional information

We are looking for parents with a child or children aged 4-7 years old who are happy for their child to be filmed on camera without the parent. Ideally the child will have an experience they can remember of moving house. We would like creators to be from a variety of locations and diverse backgrounds within the UK.


  • Please film in natural bright light
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without!
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use CapCut or similar.

Variations Needed
Additional hooks, CTAs or other key messaging needed
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
About the client
Social Media

We know what a home is really worth.

We know the real value of a home isn't just financial, it's emotional too. That's why we combine the head and heart of buying or owning a home.

Brand Guidelines

Coming soon...

Tone of voice

Down to earth - think about being approachable and conversational

Tuned in - be honest and real

Funny true - observational and inclusive humour 

Competitors/similar brands

Coming soon...

Details on brand
Social Media
Brand Guidelines
How content submissions work
Upon submission, we'll review your assets in 1-2 business days. If it fits the brief, we'll forward them to the brand. If revisions are needed, we'll provide feedback. The brand has 7 days to approve or request changes. After approval or automatic completion in 7 days, payment is sent to Lumanu and issued within 10-14 days of approval or completion.

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The raw edit without text and music overlays
The final (edited) file version
All required formats

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