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Project Summary

Project Name
Pre treatment - Testimonials for microneedling and the pain points that relate to microneedling
Amara Clinic
Compensation for this project
15-30 seconds
Physical product

The Brief


Here are the problems people experience that make them want microneedling: 

User 1: "I desperately want my skin to look smooth and clear. I've battled with acne scars for so long, and it's affected my confidence. Finding a treatment that truly works would mean everything to me." ​ (​

User 2: "My ultimate goal is to be able to go out without feeling the need to cover up my scars with makeup. I want to feel confident in my own skin." ​ (​

To not need to wear makeup, to have smooth healthier skin without covering.

User 1: "I tried microneedling with RF, hoping it would boost collagen and improve my scars. Unfortunately, the healing process was tough, with significant swelling and some unexpected scarring." ​ (​

User 2: "I’ve done subcision, TCA cross, and microneedling in combination. While subcision helped with the deeper scars, the combination treatments sometimes felt too harsh on my skin." ​ (​

More expensive makeup,

Camouflage concealer

Biggest Fears

User 1: "I’m terrified that after all the treatments and money spent, my scars will still be there, or worse, that the treatments will damage my skin further. The fear of not knowing if my skin will ever return to normal is always on my mind." ​ (​

User 2: "My biggest fear is that these scars will be a permanent part of my life. Every treatment comes with risks, and the thought of making things worse is really scary." ​ (​

biggest fear: hate being seen without makeup, have to travel with expensive camouflage, concealers etc

“I don’t even go to put out the bins without makeup”

User 1: "I need a reliable, effective treatment plan that’s tailored to my skin. Having a knowledgeable dermatologist who can guide me through this process is crucial." ​ (​

User 2: "What I really need is consistent results. I want a treatment that works without too much pain or downtime. Hearing from others who have found success is incredibly valuable to me." ​ (​


Create an authentic User Generated Content (UGC) style video highlighting the pain points associated with traditional microneedling and the benefits of the new Exion microneedling treatment. The video should resemble the beginning of a testimonial, focusing on the creator's personal experiences and expectations.

Target Audience

Women, particularly those working in tech, aircraft leasing, management, or finance.

Located in Dublin city centre.

Have experience with traditional microneedling treatments.

# Variations
Additional Variations
Ad specs
Product / Service you'll be talking about
  • Uses AI to avoid blood vessels, reducing redness and swelling.
  • Single pass treatment, cutting the session time in half.
  • Incorporates radiofrequency for enhanced results.
  • Minimal downtime, allowing you to return to work or meetings quickly.

Main Concept
Script/Description of Scenes

Key Points to Cover


  • Briefly introduce yourself and mention your past experiences with microneedling.
  • Highlight the primary pain points you experienced, such as redness, swelling, downtime, or inconsistent results.

Pain Points:

  • Talk about the specific downsides of traditional microneedling. For instance:
  • Prolonged redness and swelling.
  • The need for significant downtime.
  • The discomfort and inconvenience of multiple sessions.
  • Fear of needles or pain during the procedure.

  • Competing Offers:
  • Discuss other treatments you might have tried (e.g., subcision, TCA cross, combination treatments) and their shortcomings.
  • Emphasize the desire for a treatment that offers consistent results with minimal downtime and discomfort.

Introduction to Exion:

Explain why you are excited about trying the new Exion microneedling treatment.

Mention the unique benefits of Exion:

  • Uses AI to avoid blood vessels, reducing redness and swelling.
  • Single pass treatment, cutting the session time in half.
  • Incorporates radiofrequency for enhanced results.
  • Minimal downtime, allowing you to return to work or meetings quickly.

Personal Touch:

  • Share your personal story and how these improvements would positively impact your daily life.
  • If possible, reference specific instances where traditional treatments caused inconvenience (e.g., having to hide redness during Zoom meetings or sneaking out of the office for treatments).

Tone and Style

  • Authentic and Relatable: The video should feel genuine and personal. Share your real experiences and feelings.
  • Informative yet Conversational: Provide useful information about the new treatment while keeping the tone friendly and engaging.
  • Visuals: If comfortable, show your skin before and after the traditional treatments, and discuss the visible differences you expect with Exion.

Example Script Outline


"Hi everyone, I'm [Name], and I've been battling with acne scars for years. I've tried various treatments like microneedling, and while some helped, the downtime and redness were always a big issue for me."

Pain Points:

"One of the things that frustrated me the most was looking beetroot red after a microneedling session. I remember having to cancel meetings because I couldn't show my face on camera."

Competing Offers:

"I've also tried combining microneedling with other treatments like chemical peels, but it was just too harsh on my skin. Plus, the healing process was longer than expected."

say goodbye to looking like a beetroot after microneedling with a brand new technology they're calling AI microneedling.

I've had microneedling many times and while I love the results, I do not love looking like someones nightmare while I wait for the results.  I don't know exactly how hit works but this ai magic means the needles dont hit your blood vessels so down time is basically elimiated, it takes half the time (single pass), you don't get down time, the results are better(it goes deeper), it is much less painful and it costs only 20% more than traditional microneedling. You're welcome

Additional information

Anyone with an irish accent would be best as our client base is irish.


  • Please film in natural bright light
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without! (SafeZone Tool)
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use back camera and edit via CapCut or similar.

Variations Needed
Additional hooks, CTAs or other key messaging needed
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
About the client
Amara Clinic
Social Media

We provide cosmetic treatments, non surgical treatments with a focus on natural treatments, lees is more, Doctor led, only the best treatments. We promise to give people the best skin of their life and the confidence that goes with that.

Brand Guidelines


Tone of voice

aproachable, friendly, knowledageble, expert, luxury

Competitors/similar brands
Details on brand
Social Media
Brand Guidelines
How content submissions work
Upon submission, we'll review your assets in 1-2 business days. If it fits the brief, we'll forward them to the brand. If revisions are needed, we'll provide feedback. The brand has 7 days to approve or request changes. After approval or automatic completion in 7 days, payment is sent to Lumanu and issued within 10-14 days of approval or completion.

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Submitted on:
July 10, 2024
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Usage Rights Consented
Submitted on:
July 10, 2024
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In Quality Check
Quality Checked
Usage Rights Consented

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