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Project Summary

Project Name
The best donation experience for donors - Givecloud
Compensation for this project
30-60 seconds
Physical product

The Brief


Do you have a cause or a nonprofit organization you like to support? 

Have you donated online that you remember? 

Maybe you tried to donate online but the donation form was long, lots of info to fill in and by the end you were kind of annoyed that you couldn't just easily give to the cause that tugged on your heartstrings originally.

Your perspective:

In this video, you are taking the perspective of the DONOR. Givecloud sells to nonprofit organizations but the solution that we offer is the only platform that is obsessed with the donor experience. Nonprofits care about what their donors think because donors are the lifeblood of their cause. We want you to share your wonderful donor experience that lead to more money for the nonprofit.

What we know at Givecloud and want to "prove" with UGC: 

  • We know that an easy and engaging donor experience leads to..
  • When donors are engaged they donate more, they donate more frequently and they share with their network.

Givecloud's obsession with the donor experience has led us to create an online fundraising experience that feels human and not just transactional.

TIP: Tell us about a cause or nonprofit organisation you like to support and are comfortable mentioning in your video, if selected.

# Variations
Additional Variations
Ad specs
Product / Service you'll be talking about

TEST Product **note: this is not a real form and will not charge any real money, it is all stagged. 

Main Concept
Script/Description of Scenes

Create a script that is natural and authentic to you!! Please share this with us ahead of filming.

Video outline:


  • The hook (eg: “Nonprofit fundraisers, this is for you” OR “Are you looking for ways to grow your donor base? You need to check this out”)
  • Talk about a time that you donated. The story the nonprofit told hooked you but the donation form/checkout was so painful (eg: I know that in my community there is such a need for food bank services. The stories I hear are so compelling and I want to help)
  • Link this experience to the Giveloud form experience. (eg: If donating was this seamless I think I would follow through on more donations. They always lose me when I have to get up to find my credit card)
  • Show the product donation form experience, click around, go through doing a donation
  • CTA "you should check out Givecloud if you are a nonprofit" 

Here are some parts of the experience you could talk about:

  • so easy to fill out the form -> unlike some donation forms that literally feel like I'm filling out my taxes
  • -fun and engaging to discover the donation amounts -> this idea is taken from gaming interactions, small clicks, =/-, all make this interactive and simple to use
  • -social proof ->creating that fomo that someone else is donating
  • -badges -> showing me I'm in the top 1% of donors as I toggle through amounts
  • transparency promise -> I love seeing this so I know where my money is going to be spent, I really want it to go to xyz (the kids, the animals, ect) 
  • -heart emojis -> so fun
  • -monthly donation option -> I get to pick
  • -goal thermometer ->I can see where they nonprofit is to hitting their goal, it shows what I am part of
  • -countdown -> definitely creates some urgency
  • -click donate then I pick my payment option -> micro commitments help with conversion, really guiding the donor through the process
  • -wallet pay (depending if you are using an apple device or google device you will get Apple pay or Google pay)
  • -I can help cover the costs so I know that my intended donation goes to helping their mission, what’s another $7 (say amount that makes sense to your donation), I mean I’d buy a Starbucks drink for that amount
  • -confetti after you donate -> super fun
  • post donation upsell ->Of course I want to make a bigger impact, and this surfaced some really reasonable financial ways I can do this ongoing And I didn’t have to reenter my info
  • after the donation ‘Start a Fundraiser’ -> If I wanted to do one of those birthday fundraisers we see all over social media I could start my own fundraiser and share it with my network to raise more for the nonprofit, So easy

VISUALS: Please show a mix of speaking to camera + b-roll showing how the platform works, you 'donating' etc.

Additional information


  • Please film in natural bright light
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without! (SafeZone Tool)
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use back camera and edit via CapCut or similar.

Variations Needed
Additional hooks, CTAs or other key messaging needed
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
About the client
Social Media

Givecloud is the only Donor-Obsessed digital fundraising platform for nonprofits. 

We believe in the power of delighted donors and our platform is built to excite them and increase donations, advocacy, and loyalty.

Givecloud must be written like 'Givecloud' 

NOT GiveCloud, Give Cloud

We are a Canadian company but the majority of our customers are in the US.

We want to focus on the donor experience, the ease of our fundraising forms and how simple it is to support a cause you care about with a Givecloud donation form (the checkout). No form fields to fill out, the social proof, badges and hearts that happen as you explore the donation options.

Brand Guidelines

main competitors




Tone of voice

Trustworthy and experienced 

But not 'suit and tie', we are your fundraising buddy. Fun, inspirational with a bit of humor or cheekiness

Competitors/similar brands

main competitors




Details on brand
Social Media
Brand Guidelines
How content submissions work
Upon submission, we'll review your assets in 1-2 business days. If it fits the brief, we'll forward them to the brand. If revisions are needed, we'll provide feedback. The brand has 7 days to approve or request changes. After approval or automatic completion in 7 days, payment is sent to Lumanu and issued within 10-14 days of approval or completion.

Your content

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Submitted on:
July 2, 2024
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In Quality Check
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Usage Rights Consented
Submitted on:
July 2, 2024
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In Quality Check
Quality Checked
Usage Rights Consented

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When you have new content ready, please upload it here. Please make sure to follow the brief and upload all necessary files.
The raw edit without text and music overlays
The final (edited) file version
All required formats

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