

Submitted on
July 22, 2024
Revision request
Hi Marilize, we loved the content and it’s a great start! However, we just have a few amendments that we would like to make which are as follows: “Zigzag” needs to be spelt with a capital Z The first 3 seconds are quite unclear as to what is happening, we feel this needs to be more impactful about what is actually being advertised. We think this can be done through the inclusion of emojis and the use of a squelching sound. maybe add a :astonished::hankey: when she looks down and a :smiley::hankey: when the camera pans to the dog, however these need to be animated well This could be a lot shorter than 40 secs. Is there also a way that the end of the ad could be much earlier from a Before / After contrast perspective? Most won't see the end of the ad. Maybe cut these scenes to be together at the start by shortening the original clip and then go onto say something along the lines of “this is how I was able to walk with confidence at home again” If we can cut to your dog a little sooner like on the 0:03 we feel you are standing standing there for too long, especially if you're watching without sound. Consumers are only likely to watch for an average of 3-5 seconds. The screens feel a little too jumpy when launching the app to open the potty lesson. Maybe we can just cut to the lesson Thanks a lot, we are looking forward to seeing the finished results

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*Revision requests aren't intended to build on an existing brief. If the brand is asking for additional points to be covered that weren't part of the original brief, please reach out to us so we can help assess and see if the ask is reasonable or requires additional compensation.