Project Summary

Project name
Dr. Wolff's V-san Lactic Acid - To treat and prevent vaginal infections
Compensation for this project
Creator level
Preferred gender
Preferred age
Country requirements
United Kingdom


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Dr. Wolff's V-san Lactic Acid - To treat and prevent vaginal infections
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Dr. Wolff's V-san Lactic Acid - To treat and prevent vaginal infections
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Full brief

30-60 seconds
Physical Product
Promoted Product

Story & key messaging 


Start off with strong hook that fits to your storyline. Please use the following hooks:

Hook #1 Route – Treat and Prevent: 

• Hey ladies! Are you tired of recurring Thrush or BV infections? You need to try these pessaries!


Followed by your experience with Thrush or BV and symptoms you experienced, itching, unpleasant smell down there, discharge and how Dr. Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid has helped you. 

Then explain how Dr. Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid has provided quick and effective treatment for your symptoms. The Lactic acid stabilises your pH value and ensures a stronger vaginal flora to fight against vaginal infections. Explain the product and why you love you using it. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE 2-3 KEY CLAIMS AND PRODUCT BENEFITS TO SUPPORT THIS. Please mention the relevant claims and benefits as listed below: 

Key Claims: 

• Treats and prevents recurring vaginal infections

• Quickly and effectively balances pH levels to promote a healthy vaginal flora

Key Benefits:

• Say goodbye to using antibiotics and antifungals 

• Instant relief after the first use

• Simply use after menstruation, sex or after taking antibiotics to prevent an infection from happening in the first place 

• Contains natural ingredients so it’s safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For the final scene of the video, showing yourself to the camera, hold the product and say how much you would recommend Dr. Wolff’s V-san to anyone experiencing Thrush or BV. End video with a strong CTA. 

CTA #1:

• Thanks to V-san Lactic Acid I no longer have to worry about my vaginal infections. You can get yours from Amazon today!

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Creator Requirements
Country requirements
United Kingdom
Preferred age
Preferred gender
Additional information

We would love for you to share your experience of dealing with vaginal infections like thrush and BV, discussing the immediate relief from symptoms like itching, unpleasant smell, abnormal discharge, and discomfort you’ve felt after you discovered Dr. Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid and describe the positive changes you’ve experienced. Highlight key claims and product benefits. 

Please use a hook that will catch the viewers’ attention. We’d love for you to present V-san Lactic Acid in an upbeat and enthusiastic tone. We encourage you to be creative and authentic. Feel free to use fast-paced transitions and B-roll scenes.

If you're not comfortable explicitly discussing the topic, please propose an alternative approach

# Additional Variations
Target duration
30-60 seconds
Product / Service

75% of UK women experience Thrush or BV infections! Symptoms often include itching/irritation, unpleasant smell, (cottage cheese like) discharge, burning. *

Dr. Wolff’s V-san is a female intimate health care brand from Germany whose mission is to support women suffering from intimate health problems at any stage in life, especially during the menopause. V-san Lactic Acid are hormone-free vaginal pessaries that provides quick and effective relief for Thrush and BV infections. 

Amazon product link: 

Dr. Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid

Dr. Wolff's V-san Lactic Acid helps stabilise vaginal pH levels and strengthens the vaginal flora, providing a natural defense against infections like thrush and bacterial vaginosis (BV). 

• HELPS TO TREAT AND PREVENT VAGINAL INFECTIONS Dr Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid maintains and restores natural vaginal ph-levels and helps women with predisposition to vaginal infections like bacterial vaginosis.

• QUICK AND EFFECTIVE acidifies the vaginal environment, at the same time balances it to the natural pH level in the vagina after your period, sex or sweating.

• DAILY VAGINAL HEALTH Dr Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid contributes to vaginal health and helps to provide natural protection against vaginal infections.

• ALSO DURING PREGNANCY OR BREASTFEEDING The Dr Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid pessaries can also be used during pregnancy and while breastfeeding and is also safe for long-term use.

• EASY-TO-USE: Insert one pessary as deep in the vagina as possible in the evening before going to bed. The pessary is easier to insert if it is first moistened under running water.


• Insert a vaginal pessary into the vagina in the evening before going to bed

• Can be used regularly (e.g. after menstruation or after sex

• The duration of use is generally 5-7 days

A script and/or descriptions of the scenes

Story & key messaging 


Start off with strong hook that fits to your storyline. Please use the following hooks:

Hook #1 Route – Treat and Prevent: 

• Hey ladies! Are you tired of recurring Thrush or BV infections? You need to try these pessaries!


Followed by your experience with Thrush or BV and symptoms you experienced, itching, unpleasant smell down there, discharge and how Dr. Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid has helped you. 

Then explain how Dr. Wolff’s V-san Lactic Acid has provided quick and effective treatment for your symptoms. The Lactic acid stabilises your pH value and ensures a stronger vaginal flora to fight against vaginal infections. Explain the product and why you love you using it. PLEASE MAKE SURE TO INCLUDE 2-3 KEY CLAIMS AND PRODUCT BENEFITS TO SUPPORT THIS. Please mention the relevant claims and benefits as listed below: 

Key Claims: 

• Treats and prevents recurring vaginal infections

• Quickly and effectively balances pH levels to promote a healthy vaginal flora

Key Benefits:

• Say goodbye to using antibiotics and antifungals 

• Instant relief after the first use

• Simply use after menstruation, sex or after taking antibiotics to prevent an infection from happening in the first place 

• Contains natural ingredients so it’s safe to use during pregnancy and breastfeeding

For the final scene of the video, showing yourself to the camera, hold the product and say how much you would recommend Dr. Wolff’s V-san to anyone experiencing Thrush or BV. End video with a strong CTA. 

CTA #1:

• Thanks to V-san Lactic Acid I no longer have to worry about my vaginal infections. You can get yours from Amazon today!

Hooks, CTAs or other key messaging
2nd Variation

Hook #1: Want to get rid of that bad odour and itching down there? You need to try these pessaries!

Hook #2: V-san Lactic Acid has really helped to treat and prevent my recurring vaginal infections. Try for yourself, you can buy it now on Amazon!

3rd Variation
Variation #3
Creator Requirements
United Kingdom
Additional Details


  • Please film in natural bright light
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without! (SafeZone Tool)
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use back camera and edit via CapCut or similar.