Project Summary

Project name
Reasons while I love travelling to Greece/Thailand (FRENCH)
Compensation for this project
Creator level
Preferred gender
Preferred age
Country requirements


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Reasons while I love travelling to Greece/Thailand (FRENCH)
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Reasons while I love travelling to Greece/Thailand (FRENCH)
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Your creator(s)

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Estimated delivery time is 5 days (excl. shipping time).
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Full brief

30-60 seconds
Physical Product
Promoted Product

You're travelling and as a cat lover you cannot stop petting cats every time you see one. Example : you're going to a nice beach ibut you better prefer focusing on the cat ; you visit an amazing historical monument, but you prefer to pet the cat in front of it ; you're in a restaurant, you like to share your food with the cats around, etc...

Make it fun, solo or as a couple (example : "you travel to X, but your girlfriend/boyfriend is a cat lover")

You can mention how important it is to have a good internet connection, so that help you to find the best spots; At the end, you will say "don't forget to follow for more tips"

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Creator Requirements
Country requirements
Preferred age
Preferred gender
Additional information

We'd like a funny video recording footages of you petting cats while travelling. Ex : a nice beach in the background, but you better prefer focusing on the cat ; an amazing historical monument, but you prefer to pet the cat in front of it ; you're in a restaurant, you like to share your food with the cats around, etc...

In Greece, you can even mention Syros, the island of cats ( ). Content needs to be done in french, creator needs to be french or speaks a perfect french.

This would be published for international cat day (on 8th of August)

# Additional Variations
Target duration
30-60 seconds
Product / Service

no need to mention our product

A script and/or descriptions of the scenes

You're travelling and as a cat lover you cannot stop petting cats every time you see one. Example : you're going to a nice beach ibut you better prefer focusing on the cat ; you visit an amazing historical monument, but you prefer to pet the cat in front of it ; you're in a restaurant, you like to share your food with the cats around, etc...

Make it fun, solo or as a couple (example : "you travel to X, but your girlfriend/boyfriend is a cat lover")

You can mention how important it is to have a good internet connection, so that help you to find the best spots; At the end, you will say "don't forget to follow for more tips"

Hooks, CTAs or other key messaging
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
Variation #3
Creator Requirements
Additional Details