Project Summary

Project name
Demonstration video for
Compensation for this project
Creator level
Preferred gender
Preferred age
Country requirements
United Kingdom


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Demonstration video for
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Full brief

30-60 seconds
Physical Product
Promoted Product

You must share your script/storyboard for review ahead of filming!


Hook (Start) – Within the opening 3-4 seconds, create massive audience curiosity! Wherever possible/applicable (depending on the context of the brief), inject energy and emotion right from the start to engage your audience. 

Body (Middle) – Educate/inspire your audience by demonstrating Address your opening ‘problem’ or ‘opportunity’ with the solutions offered by Lean on the ‘key points’ listed below for support.

An example body structure (this doesn’t have to be copied exactly the same):

  • A generic, universally relatable/negative feeling (this isn’t a hook, it needs to be generic enough to flow with all your hooks!)
  • Present Cashback as the solution
  • Key Cashback selling points
  • Explainer/Tutorial showcasing Cashback
  • Quick Social Proof (reviews, comments, awards)
  • Your View/Recommendation/Seal of Approval

Call-to-Action (End) – Create a sense of urgency to join/sign up but don't be too forceful. Imply the £10 welcome bonus is time-limited, without explicitly saying it is.


Begin Here 

To demonstrate/showcase use this illustrative dummy account:

o Login via 

o Username =

o Password = TestAccount01

Key Points to Highlight (include as many as possible)

• Cashback offers a way to earn extra cash by completing simple online tasks• Members earn on average £150. 

• The more levels you complete, the more cash you earn!

• Cashback has already paid out over £1,000,000 to members.

• Cashback has an ‘excellent’ rating on Trustpilot.

• Cashback has recently won a Consumer Moneyfacts Award.

• It’s completely free to join

• Cashback has over 1 million members.

• Cashback currently offers a £10 welcome bonus for new members.

Hook One (MUST)

Shot One: You sitting at a table in McDonalds, with a max of £10 (try to spend as close to the maximum of this £10) worth of desirable food/drink/dessert options, constituting towards a ‘meal’.

Shot two:  you eating your McDonalds (with other food items in shot), looking happy with yourself.

Narration & Text Overlay: Bag yourself a meal from McDonalds thanks to Cashback's £10 sign up bonus - here's how to claim yours! 

Notes: Max value of meal £10 (this will be reimbursed to you).

Example Video: 

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Creator Requirements
Country requirements
United Kingdom
Preferred age
Preferred gender
Additional information

Seeking enthusiastic & energetic creators to craft engaging content that showcases the benefits of , an award-winning reward website!

We require one video with 3 hooks (details below) running for a total length of approx 30-35 seconds.

Successful creative will be rewarded with additional work requests.

# Additional Variations
Target duration
30-60 seconds
Product / Service

Take a typical money problem and position as the solution. Inspire your audience to sign up & create a Cashback account and complete as many levels as possible, to maximise their earning potential. The current £10 welcome bonus offers a quick shortcut to get started!

A script and/or descriptions of the scenes

You must share your script/storyboard for review ahead of filming!


Hook (Start) – Within the opening 3-4 seconds, create massive audience curiosity! Wherever possible/applicable (depending on the context of the brief), inject energy and emotion right from the start to engage your audience. 

Body (Middle) – Educate/inspire your audience by demonstrating Address your opening ‘problem’ or ‘opportunity’ with the solutions offered by Lean on the ‘key points’ listed below for support.

An example body structure (this doesn’t have to be copied exactly the same):

  • A generic, universally relatable/negative feeling (this isn’t a hook, it needs to be generic enough to flow with all your hooks!)
  • Present Cashback as the solution
  • Key Cashback selling points
  • Explainer/Tutorial showcasing Cashback
  • Quick Social Proof (reviews, comments, awards)
  • Your View/Recommendation/Seal of Approval

Call-to-Action (End) – Create a sense of urgency to join/sign up but don't be too forceful. Imply the £10 welcome bonus is time-limited, without explicitly saying it is.


Begin Here 

To demonstrate/showcase use this illustrative dummy account:

o Login via 

o Username =

o Password = TestAccount01

Key Points to Highlight (include as many as possible)

• Cashback offers a way to earn extra cash by completing simple online tasks• Members earn on average £150. 

• The more levels you complete, the more cash you earn!

• Cashback has already paid out over £1,000,000 to members.

• Cashback has an ‘excellent’ rating on Trustpilot.

• Cashback has recently won a Consumer Moneyfacts Award.

• It’s completely free to join

• Cashback has over 1 million members.

• Cashback currently offers a £10 welcome bonus for new members.

Hook One (MUST)

Shot One: You sitting at a table in McDonalds, with a max of £10 (try to spend as close to the maximum of this £10) worth of desirable food/drink/dessert options, constituting towards a ‘meal’.

Shot two:  you eating your McDonalds (with other food items in shot), looking happy with yourself.

Narration & Text Overlay: Bag yourself a meal from McDonalds thanks to Cashback's £10 sign up bonus - here's how to claim yours! 

Notes: Max value of meal £10 (this will be reimbursed to you).

Example Video: 

Hooks, CTAs or other key messaging
2nd Variation

Hook Two

Shot One: You at the supermarket, trying to buy your shopping but your card gets declined. 

Shot two:  You looking embarrassed & awkward

Narration & Text Overlay: This used to be so embarrassing… but thanks to Cashback, I no longer get my card declined! Here’s how it works!

Notes: The bigger the supermarket brand, the better. Using an old card with no money usually triggers a 'declined' message at the till.

Example Video: 

3rd Variation

Hook Three

You have more creative freedom with this hook (and it can run a few seconds longer). We’re generally looking for an ‘argument’ between you and another person about money (highly emotive). For example, an individual is moaning they don’t have enough money and you chip in they should have tried Cashback!

Variation #3
Creator Requirements
United Kingdom
Additional Details

Compliance Guidelines

  • Don’t portray Cashback as a ‘get-rich-quick’ scheme or ‘easy money’.
  • Don’t display (visual, verbal or screenshots) of gambling-related content.
  • Don’t refer to 'competitions'.
  • Joining is free, and the £10 welcome bonus is an additional perk (don’t phrase it as a "free £10 bonus").
  • Don’t phrase anything as ‘free money’, everything on is ‘earned’.
  • is a website, not an app. It can’t be downloaded.
  • Cashback: the name and concept of cashback, is one word, not two.

Creative Guidelines

  • Hooks MUST be highly attention-grabbing.
  • Create ‘evergreen’ content – don’t include anything seasonal or trending (except music that can be used for ads).
  • Focus on ‘earning cashback’, not ‘saving money’.
  • Music must be allowed for commercial use and does not violate any copyright laws.
  • Maintain a quick, energetic tempo throughout but not so quick that your speech and captions are too fast to understand or read clearly. Avoid a slow and dull tempo. 
  • Ensure your voiceover is consistent throughout (for example, all hooks match the main video for volume, pitch, etc).
  • For all content (including hooks) provide one version with overlaid text and one without (voiceovers/music can remain on both).
  • Be conversational (like you’re talking to a friend).
  • Adhere to video filming and editing ‘safe zone’ best practices. Don’t place captions and key content in areas of the video that will likely be overlaid with other content from the social media platforms. Check with Twirl if you are unsure about this.