Project Summary

Project name
Dog scooting/anal gland ad
Compensation for this project
Creator level
Preferred gender
Preferred age
Country requirements
United Kingdom


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Dog scooting/anal gland ad
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If you're interested in this project, apply here! 👇
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Dog scooting/anal gland ad
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Full brief

15-30 seconds
Physical Product
Promoted Product

Script: I’ve finally stopped having to take (dog’s name) to the vets for his/her anal glands 

It’s been over a year of scooting and the awful smell on our furniture (first hook video clip to be of the dog scooting, ideally in 2-3 different locations so it feels like different occasions)

We started taking him/her to the vets every couple of months to have the glands expressed (ideally a video clip of you at the vets or in the car with them as if your going to the vets) 

The vet bills were adding up and it wasn’t solving the actual root cause of his/her issues (clip of the dog looking unhappy/sad ideal here)

Turns out all he/she needed was a lot more fibre and some gut boosting additions to his/her diet (clip of you scattering the chews onto a counter or into the camera whatever you feel is nice!)

All I’ve started doing is giving 1 of these Scooch chews as a treat each day and after a few weeks the scooting has stopped completely (clip of you breaking the scooch chew in half and feeding it to them/them getting excited about them jumping up at counter for example) 

As well as being vet-formulated to actually tackle the issue, they're also human grade, plant-based and packaged up in the cutest recyclable pouches

I can’t tell you how relieved we are (clip of you guys playing/cuddling and happy)

Scooch offer a 100% money back guarantee if you’re also suffering from the same pain as we were and want to give it a go!

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Creator Requirements
Country requirements
United Kingdom
Preferred age
Preferred gender
Additional information

Creator must:

  1. Have a dog who scoots and can capture this happening on camera
  2. Be happy to whitelist later through Twirl (please share your socials handle for Instagram)

A video highlighting how Scooch anal gland supplement chews have solved your dogs anal gland issues. Ideally really nice lighting and backdrops throughout as we want the video and product to feel premium.

# Additional Variations
Target duration
15-30 seconds
Product / Service
A script and/or descriptions of the scenes

Script: I’ve finally stopped having to take (dog’s name) to the vets for his/her anal glands 

It’s been over a year of scooting and the awful smell on our furniture (first hook video clip to be of the dog scooting, ideally in 2-3 different locations so it feels like different occasions)

We started taking him/her to the vets every couple of months to have the glands expressed (ideally a video clip of you at the vets or in the car with them as if your going to the vets) 

The vet bills were adding up and it wasn’t solving the actual root cause of his/her issues (clip of the dog looking unhappy/sad ideal here)

Turns out all he/she needed was a lot more fibre and some gut boosting additions to his/her diet (clip of you scattering the chews onto a counter or into the camera whatever you feel is nice!)

All I’ve started doing is giving 1 of these Scooch chews as a treat each day and after a few weeks the scooting has stopped completely (clip of you breaking the scooch chew in half and feeding it to them/them getting excited about them jumping up at counter for example) 

As well as being vet-formulated to actually tackle the issue, they're also human grade, plant-based and packaged up in the cutest recyclable pouches

I can’t tell you how relieved we are (clip of you guys playing/cuddling and happy)

Scooch offer a 100% money back guarantee if you’re also suffering from the same pain as we were and want to give it a go!

Hooks, CTAs or other key messaging
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
Variation #3
Creator Requirements
United Kingdom
Additional Details


  • Please film in natural bright light
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without! (SafeZone Tool)
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use back camera and edit via CapCut or similar.