Project Summary

Project name
Simple way to protect wild and farmed animals
Compensation for this project
Creator level
Preferred gender
Preferred age
Country requirements


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Simple way to protect wild and farmed animals
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If you're interested in this project, apply here! 👇
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Simple way to protect wild and farmed animals
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Your creator(s)

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Estimated delivery time is 5 days (excl. shipping time).
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Full brief

30-60 seconds
Physical Product
Promoted Product

Please create a script that is natural and authentic to you!

Hook: Show 3 seconds of an exciting moment in the video (like in the inspiration) or, in your own words or perspective, something along the lines of: You have more power than you think! Discover how simple actions can create a better world for wild and farmed animals. Learn how small daily habits can make a BIG difference for wild and farmed animals! 

Tips: We want to include everyday things you practice and a couple of points that align with our campaigns; please include one/two that resonates with you:

  1. Ask where your food comes from: When selecting meat products, it's important to consider the welfare of farmed animals. You can inquire about the sourcing of the meat at your local supermarket, preferred fast food establishment, or neighborhood café to ensure that it meets higher welfare standards. If the meat doesn't meet these standards, opt for alternatives and drive down demand.
  2. Raise awareness about animal sentience: The more we learn about the minds of animals, the harder it is to justify the practices we use that cause them to suffer. It is also harder to neglect that animals can and want to feel positive emotions and states too. They, like us, want to feel good. Here are some blogs containing some facts to educate others:
  3. Who you book your holiday with matters: TUI Group and GetYourGuide, some of the world's largest travel companies, continues to offer and promote attractions that involve the captivity and exploitation of wild animals. These activities, which include dolphin shows, cause immense physical and psychological harm to the animals involved. On the other hand, companies like AirBnB use World Animal Protection's guidelines to ensure their experiences protect animal welfare.
  4. Boycott banks that support companies who support factory farming 
    1. Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, Metro Bank, and Santander do not incorporate any mention of animal welfare in their respective policies. The absence of a dedicated animal welfare policy in a bank raises concerns, as it means that our funds, including pension investments, insurance premiums, and bank deposits, can inadvertently support animal cruelty and factory farming through the companies these banks finance. 

Learn more: 

CTA: Share your own/ which is your favourite?

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Creator Requirements
Country requirements
Preferred age
Preferred gender
Additional information

Video exploring and educating our audiences about the everyday things that we can do to help wild and farmed animals

# Additional Variations
Target duration
30-60 seconds
Product / Service

We move the world to protect animals

A script and/or descriptions of the scenes

Please create a script that is natural and authentic to you!

Hook: Show 3 seconds of an exciting moment in the video (like in the inspiration) or, in your own words or perspective, something along the lines of: You have more power than you think! Discover how simple actions can create a better world for wild and farmed animals. Learn how small daily habits can make a BIG difference for wild and farmed animals! 

Tips: We want to include everyday things you practice and a couple of points that align with our campaigns; please include one/two that resonates with you:

  1. Ask where your food comes from: When selecting meat products, it's important to consider the welfare of farmed animals. You can inquire about the sourcing of the meat at your local supermarket, preferred fast food establishment, or neighborhood café to ensure that it meets higher welfare standards. If the meat doesn't meet these standards, opt for alternatives and drive down demand.
  2. Raise awareness about animal sentience: The more we learn about the minds of animals, the harder it is to justify the practices we use that cause them to suffer. It is also harder to neglect that animals can and want to feel positive emotions and states too. They, like us, want to feel good. Here are some blogs containing some facts to educate others:
  3. Who you book your holiday with matters: TUI Group and GetYourGuide, some of the world's largest travel companies, continues to offer and promote attractions that involve the captivity and exploitation of wild animals. These activities, which include dolphin shows, cause immense physical and psychological harm to the animals involved. On the other hand, companies like AirBnB use World Animal Protection's guidelines to ensure their experiences protect animal welfare.
  4. Boycott banks that support companies who support factory farming 
    1. Barclays, HSBC, Lloyds, Metro Bank, and Santander do not incorporate any mention of animal welfare in their respective policies. The absence of a dedicated animal welfare policy in a bank raises concerns, as it means that our funds, including pension investments, insurance premiums, and bank deposits, can inadvertently support animal cruelty and factory farming through the companies these banks finance. 

Learn more: 

CTA: Share your own/ which is your favourite?

Hooks, CTAs or other key messaging
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
Variation #3
Creator Requirements
Additional Details

We are looking for creators who are aligned with our values and strive to make the world better for farmed and wild animals. 

These videos will be used on our international channels (these cater to both English and Spanish audiences, dependant on the creator)


  • Please film in natural bright light
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without! (SafeZone Tool)
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use back camera and edit via CapCut or similar.