Project Summary

Project name
Philip Kingsley Elasticizier Booster - US
Compensation for this project
Creator level
Preferred gender
Preferred age
Country requirements
United States


If you're interested in this project, apply here! 👇
Enhance your application by including additional video or image files (optional)
Please be mindful not to share any personal contact details, such as your social profiles, email address, etc. (we'll make sure to verify this).
Thanks for your application for project:
Philip Kingsley Elasticizier Booster - US
The brand will review all applications in the next 2-3 days. If successful, we'll notify you and inform about next steps!
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If you're interested in this project, apply here! 👇
Enhance your application by including additional video or image files (optional)
Please be mindful not to share any personal contact details, such as your social profiles, email address, etc. (we'll make sure to verify this).
Thanks for your application for project:
Philip Kingsley Elasticizier Booster - US
The brand will review all applications in the next 2-3 days. If successful, we'll notify you and inform about next steps!
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Your creator(s)

Please select
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creator(s) for your project! Once selected, we'll confirm their availability & where to ship products (if any).
Please ship out products to your selected creator(s)! Already shipped? Confirm your shipment to let your creator(s) know.
Thanks for confirming the shipment! We'll let your creator(s) know that your products are on the way.
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We're finding the best creators for your project. We'll notify you once you can make your selection!
These are your creators that produce kick-ass content for your project.
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Thanks for selecting your creator(s)! We'll let them confirm their immediate availability for your project within the next 24 hours. Once confirmed, we'll notify you and display the creators' addresses here so that you can ship out your products.

Estimated delivery time is 5 days (excl. shipping time).
Thanks for selecting your creator(s)! We'll let them confirm their immediate availability for your project within the next 24 hours. Once confirmed, they'll go straight into production and deliver your content within the next 6 days.
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No creators to see here. Stay tuned!

Full brief

Up to 15 seconds
Physical Product
Promoted Product

Please create a script that is natural and authentic to you. For visual guidelines please refer to the inspo links.


Start with something along the lines of "This is my best kept secret for reviving my dry hair fast!" / "I have found a hair game-changer."


Show before/after in first 3 seconds, product texture and then show shower application after your shampoo, wash out the conditioner. Show dried hair after and go back to before/after shot.


You can use any of the key points below, focus on how it is an intensely hydrating conditioner that can be used on its own or layered over conditioner as part of your hair wash routine. 

Key Product Points:

  • Deeply conditions & tames frizz
  • Immediately adds elasticity and in turn strength
  • Hair is softer & hydrated
  • Protects and improves hair's condition

To end: Something along the lines of "Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Booster has completely upgraded my hair healthy! Run, don't walk!"

Don't forget to add a CTA at the end!

**Please Note: Do not use the free sample in the video that is sent with the package you receive.

Scene 1
Scene 2
Scene 3
Creator Requirements
Country requirements
United States
Preferred age
Preferred gender
Additional information

We'd like a video showing how the Philip Kingsey Elasticizer Booster nourishes your strands and revives dry hair fast!

# Additional Variations
Target duration
Up to 15 seconds
Product / Service

Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Booster -

Key Product Points:

  • Deeply conditions & tames frizz
  • Immediately adds elasticity and in turn strength
  • Hair is softer & hydrated
  • Protects and improves hair's condition
A script and/or descriptions of the scenes

Please create a script that is natural and authentic to you. For visual guidelines please refer to the inspo links.


Start with something along the lines of "This is my best kept secret for reviving my dry hair fast!" / "I have found a hair game-changer."


Show before/after in first 3 seconds, product texture and then show shower application after your shampoo, wash out the conditioner. Show dried hair after and go back to before/after shot.


You can use any of the key points below, focus on how it is an intensely hydrating conditioner that can be used on its own or layered over conditioner as part of your hair wash routine. 

Key Product Points:

  • Deeply conditions & tames frizz
  • Immediately adds elasticity and in turn strength
  • Hair is softer & hydrated
  • Protects and improves hair's condition

To end: Something along the lines of "Philip Kingsley Elasticizer Booster has completely upgraded my hair healthy! Run, don't walk!"

Don't forget to add a CTA at the end!

**Please Note: Do not use the free sample in the video that is sent with the package you receive.

Hooks, CTAs or other key messaging
2nd Variation
3rd Variation
Variation #3
Creator Requirements
United States
Additional Details


  • Please film in natural bright light & bathroom setting
  • Add engaging captions to your video! remember to submit the version with and without! (SafeZone Tool)
  • Keep it lively and energetic - we want to encourage the audience!
  • Shoot high-res
  • Submit all formats after sign off


  • Don't sound like you're reading off a script
  • Don't film via TikTok app. MUST use back camera and edit via CapCut or similar.
  • Don't show other brands in the background
  • Where possible, avoid brightly coloured backgrounds
  • Don't include the free sample in the content (this is for you to enjoy!)